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What is A Verruca?

Verruca or Verrucae are warts on the feet. They are caused by the human papillo mavirus (HPV). The viral tissue occupies the upper layers of your skin to form a cauliflower like structure. 

How do I know if what I have is a verruca?

Verrucas often occurs on the bottom of the feet and can have an 'cauliflower' appearance and can be raised or flat. on occasion there may be black dots in the tissue which are small capillaries coming up through the viral tissue from the deeper structures of the skin.

Verruca are not usually painful when you stand unless they are in a weight-bearing joint area. If you pinch it with your fingers it may hurt but if you press directly on them they tend not to.  

How can I get rid of my verruca?

A first line treatment for Verruca is to try over-the-counter remedies. The key is to be consistent with the treatment for up to 3 months. Verruca can be very stubborn. The earlier you treat your Veruca the more likely you are to have success.

It is essential that you definitely know that it is a Verruca that you are treating with these remedies if you are not sure please ask a professional podiatrist like SO Podiatry. Many health care providers often confuse Verruca and corns, these skin lesions are treated differently. If using an over-the-counter remedy it is important not exceed the dose that is in the instructions. Do not use these if you have diabetes, peripheral neuropathy is known to have reduced blood supply or neuropathy to the feet.



What is Verrutop and how does it work?

Verrutop verruca treatment is a new therapeutic treatment for verruca and warts. Verrutop is a formulation of nitric acid and organic acids, zinc and copper salts. This powerful mixture when applied to wart or verruca causes the infected tissue to mummify and desiccate (dry out) which in turn kills off the verruca tissue. This is a painless treatment with very few contraindications.

What does the treatment involve?

Unlike so many verruca treatments, verrutop is painless and as it is un-invasive it has very little impact on your daily activities. Prior to the product being applied to the skin, the hard layer of skin overlying the wart or varruca is removed with a scalpel (this is painless). Once Verrutop is applied the verruca will gradually turn darker and dry out. This happens within a few days.

Clinical trials have reported a remission rate of 89% of patients after a maximum of 6 applications. These results are better than applying cryosurgery – freezing!

 What are the bhe benefits?

  • It’s one of the fastest ways to remove a verruca.

  • It’s one of the most pain-free ways of removing a verruca.

  • It’s 90% effective on those who have between 3 and 6 treatments sessions.

  • It is a treatment for both adults and children as young as 6 years old.

Shortly after the application you may notice a slight irritation around the verrucae. This usually passes within an hour. A few days after treatment, the area may turn black or itch, this is temporary. In many cases the wart can detach from the skin, leaving normal skin underneath, without any scarring.

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